Interesting BLOGS | Interesting search words :D

Folks.. I was just wandering over the web searching some article to read.. Now a days, net Bug bite me, I believe it already bit me long back. But these days I am restless, my hand always wanna rest on a key board and a mouse. When just wandering over the web, found some more interesting sites where you can find latest informations and stuffs. Listed below:
Get going guys!
I just want to post something personal here. One of my college classmate sent a mail about a guy( he too my classmate ). He was telling in that mail that the other guy is now searching for somethings in Google. You know what he was searching?? They were "Technical words + software terminologies + not used in india". Sometimes I wonder, how ppl are thinking like this. I really cant decide whether he is crazy or netbuggy. Somebody tell me!!!!
But if you notice one thing in the words he searched, we can know the expectation of recent web search engine users. Search engines are really becoming like one answering machines or even like a Genie. May be.. someday, somebody might even try to search for their missed shoes in some search engine!! lol 😀
And you guys may be noticing that im changing the theme of my space quite often, the fact is I want more themes. 🙂 MSN Spaces team listening this? I am waiting for Windows Live Spaces which will definitely rock the wold of social networking.
Windows Live Services Rocks!

1 thought on “Interesting BLOGS | Interesting search words :D

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