webtechnews – my first windows 8 store app

Finally, my first windows 8 app has been published to the store, and you can download it from here. It’s a very simple HTML/JS app that I wrote, perhaps in a week or so. Design took a bit longer, refreshing all my CSS skills again. Not a great app I know, but just a starter for me.

If you are using Microsoft Web Platform for your development, this app of mine might be useful to you. This aggregates a few important blogs together, and gives you a way to share with others using the share charm. Give it a try, and let me know. A few UI tweaks, ability to add your own custom feed URL are the ones you should expect in the next update, and offline reading in the later.


I spent more time in getting the vibrant color right, and the CSS shadows right. Here is what the landing page looks like, give it a try if you are interested. I still remember my early days of HTML/CSS with notepad, and IE6. I felt the same excitement in writing this app, in a nutshell there isn’t much I spent time to read with my existing HTML/JS skills, except understanding WinJS, and few controls. There are tons of articles available in Channel9, and MSDN.

What are you waiting for? If I can, you can too. Bring your HTML/JS skills back to life.

Windows 8 rocks!